About the Shop


In Budapest, Hungary, Joseph Ullmann established a jewellery shop.

Joseph’s son, Andrew, joined the business. Joseph Ullmann & Son was created.

The political situation forced Andrew to flee Hungary. The shop carried on trading until 1944 when the Nazis invaded Hungary. Consequently, the shop was looted and destroyed.

Andrew, having emigrated to England, opened Andrew R. Ullmann Ltd. at 10 Hatton Garden.

Andrew’s son, Joseph, joined the firm. Jeffrey Pinkus was employed by Andrew in 1959, and has been with the firm ever since. After his father’s death in 1975, Joseph took over the business.

The shop relocated to its current premises at 36 Greville Street, just off Hatton Garden, where fourth and fifth generation Ullmanns help manage the business.

The shop still retains its original character. It is one of the longest-established shops in Hatton Garden, and the only one to specialise in antique jewellery.